Before posting on the forum, please read the following rules.

1. No Spam, Trolling, or Meaningless Topics
Catholic Cat's Cafe is meant to be a forum for Catholics with high-quality content. No spam or trolling is allowed. If a user isn't responding to a direct message or reply, be patient and only say something if you've been waiting for a long time. By meaningless topics, we mean if you posted something with the subject "Hi" and the body text "Hi."

2. No Pornography or Inappropriate Content
Pornography WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. If you post any pornography on this forum, you will be banned permanently. There are no exceptions. You will be warned, temporarily banned, or permanently banned if you post suggestive/inappropriate content, depending on what it is.

3. Don't Cross-Post
Cross posting is when you post the same thing in two or more categories. If you do this, you will be politely warned. Your original topic will be preserved, but any of the ones you cross-posted will be sent to the Archived category in the forum.

4. No Duplicate Posts
Don't post the same thing twice. Again, your original topic will be preserved while any duplicated ones will be moved to the Archived category.

6. Discrimination Is Unacceptable
Do not discriminate other users because of their political affiliation, religion, gender, race, appearance, grammatical skill, non-geekiness, etc. This is not how God wants us to behave.

7. Respect Everyone
Each user on this forum is a real, talking, live human being behind a screen and keyboard. They have thoughts, motivations, ideas, and a backstory. All humans are made in the image of God. Listen to what someone has to say before ridiculing or ignoring them.

The following points are etiquette guidelines, not rules.

1. Try Not to Direct Message a User for Help
Unless you're contacting a moderator or administrator about something which is breaking the forum rules, try not to DM someone with a question you have. If possible, put it under the Questions category of the forum instead. We understand that not all situations allow for this.

2. Use Decent Grammar
We're not saying you have to write an academic essay every time you reply to someone! This is the internet. However, don't constantly talk like this: "I luv ur post lol, imo."

3. Post Relevant Topic Names
This especially applies for questions. While some categories work well with witty and intelligent titles, the Questions category is not the place for that.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading. These rules are subject to change as the needs of the forum change.